
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tips for recalcitrant acne

Stress is considered as one of the triggering cause acne on the face.

The skin is smooth, beautiful and free of acne is the dream and desire of everywoman on this earth. And acne is not a problem only experienced by adolescentsalone. However, adult women also face the problem at some point or other.

Beauty expert, was quoted as saying the page Sheknows Beauty and Style, believeswomen in their 20s through 40s are having problems on their skin, especially acne.To fix it would be better if we know in advance about the causes. After that find a wayto treatment.
1. Stress
If the acne appears on your face before you will attend a large or important meetings and dates you've dreamed of, may be the cause of acne is due to stress. Try to do things that make you can relieve stress for acne does not stick long in the face.
2. Cosmetics
Make up or skin care products can also be a cause of acne on the face. Avoid products that contain toxic chemicals that can cause irritation. Try to use mineral makeup and natural cosmetics that are good for reducing acne.
3. Bacteria
Acne can be caused by dirt and bacteria. Do not touch your face when dirty hands or use objects that are not clean. Make sure when touching the face, hands are washed clean. You also must wash the sponges and other makeup equipment regularly to avoid facial acne. Do not ever underestimate that.
4. If the acne always comes up every month, then your acne may be hormonal. Many women who usually deal with acne problems before coming months, especially around the mouth.
So, how to overcome acne faced by adult women?
Many products offered in the market to treat acne and stopping new acne that would arise. Lotion Benzoyl peroxide is the most common treatment for the treatment of acne in adolescents. And this also applies to adults.
This product can help dry up the pimple so that it only allowed smeared lotion on the acne alone. This product reduces the oil, remove dead skin cells and helps clear acne fast.
If to these products and home care, acne is not cured, consider consult a dermatologist. By seeing a dermatologist, then you are in control of acne and the doctor can give an injection to get rid of pimples quickly.Expert beauty is therapeutic treatment that can perform deep cleansing treatment, recommending products and help you set personal skin care regimen.
• VIVAnews


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