
Monday, June 6, 2011

Ozone Gas Could Be Back Pain Medication

Ozone is used is a liquid form and combined with oxygen.

Back pain is a disorder that affects many office workers. Too much sitting and lack ofactivity does make prolonged back pain. To overcome this problem, researchers Negrin University Hospital, Spain, developed a fairly unique method of using ozone.

As reported by the Genius Beauty, researchers found that ozone gas can be a veryeffective means to relieve back pain that often affects women. The mixture of ozoneand oxygen have a significant therapeutic effect and can be immediately used byresearchers.

Ozone is a gas that naturally forms one layer in the atmosphere and serve to protect the earth from ultraviolet solar radiation. For purposes of therapy, ozone used is aliquid form and combined with oxygen. Researchers hope that combination couldovercome the problem of back problems effectively.

Disturbances in the back that often emerges is a gradual decrease in the percentageof water content over the years. Thus, the spine becomes less flexible and couldincrease the risk of injury.

As a result, there is the pressure pressure on the nerve fibers between the spinal cord, causing pain. To eliminate this problem, usually performed the surgical procedure. But according to researchers, this ozone treatment, could be an alternative way to relieve pain. (eh)


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