
Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to lose weight by swimming

Swimming can burn 350 calories per 30 minutes.

There are many ways to lose weight. But one thing is for sure, you should exercise. If you do not like sweating, swimming is the right choice.

Usually, when starting the exercise, most people tend to want to lose weight. The body gets a new challenge and your maximum effort, so that more calories are burned.

But over time, the body is adjusting so that calories are burned a little more. As reported by the Healthmeup.com, from this perspective in the early stages of exercise, swimming is very effective to burn calories and can help you lose weight.

To maintain a stable weight, such as running and walking, swimming is the best cardiovascular exercises. That's because moving the swimming activity of the whole body.

In terms of burning calories, good swimming freestyle, butterfly or breast, can burn up to 350 calories per 30 minutes. But this is if you do swim with intensive activity, not a relaxing swim. If you add exercise for an hour, calories burned can reach 400 to 700 calories.

It would be better if you also do other exercises besides swimming. This is for the target to lose weight can be achieved quickly. You can also do yoga or Pilates exercises to build muscle and increase metabolism.

When the warm-up before a swim, have a quick run or sprint. Not only to prevent injury or cramping while swimming, sprint make the process go faster metabolism, which is very good for weight loss. 



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