
Monday, June 6, 2011

Eight Ways to Stay Slim

Try to pay attention to how the diet that you do.

Body slender and beautiful is every woman's desires. However, not infrequently a lot of the womenfolk who have difficulty to maintain the ideal body. In fact, they undergo a strict diet.

Not infrequently, this would make her a bad mood and stress. So there's nothing wrong for you to consider how to diet you do. Note also the food you eat.
And what about your break? Is it enough? Therefore, it could not hurt to try some of the tips below to keep the body healthy, trim and fit.

1. Start the day with a healthy diet. And do not forget to wheat. This will provide a great start to your day. In addition to being healthy and delicious, your body will not suffer.

2. Always try to eat regularly. And do not forget to eat grains, fruits and vegetables are important for overall health. And also helpful for the psychological balance, vitality and most importantly, can help maintain your beautiful body

3. Water consumption. Make sure you drink enough water. Suggested minimum of 1.5 liters a day, perhaps also 2 liters if possible. Water also contributes to heart disease, fight infection. If the body part in the healthy it will be radiated outward.

4. Enough rest. If you are not getting enough rest, it can affect your health. You will become more emotional and irritable. Of course, that could leave a bad impression to the people around you.

5. Consumption of a healthy snack. To maintain a beautiful body does not mean youhave to stop snacking. However, keep in mind, the choice of healthy snacks andrefreshing like fruit, salad vegetables are soft. If you feel not enough, can eat a piece of bread and add some salt-free cheese.

6. Diligent in exercise. Sport is very important for health and maintain your overall leanbody. If you already eat healthy foods on a regular basis so it is better if coupled witha regular sports activities. No need to do weight training.

7. Breathe. Inhale slowly and deeply. And this activity is most easily done wherever they may be. After that, try to relax a little although only a few moments.

8. Try to set a good example. When you manage to take care of yourself well then it will be a good example for people who are loved. Is an example of good practice rather than theory. If you have children, you should really consider what they can take away from your habit. (Eh)


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