
Monday, June 6, 2011

Could not See, Other Senses More Sensitive

This is proven through research by a team from the University of Sheffield.

God created human beings with all the weaknesses and shortcomings. People who do not have a complete body senses will adapt so that other senses are much more sensitive, than people with full body senses.

No wonder if people with limited vision will have an advantage on other senses such as hearing or taste. No differ also by people with limited hearing. They will also have the sense of vision is better than people who can hear well.

It has been proved scientifically through research conducted by a team from the University of Sheffield. The scientists found that the retinal nerve cells in people who are born with hearing limitations developed in a different way from people who could hear.

As reported by the Daily Mail, it gives them a larger vision. Thus, they can see better. Therefore, they will be more aware of the environment and any potential dangers.

Because ear organs are not working properly, their bodies also prioritize the ability to see better. Previous studies have found an association between deafness and visual enhancement is due to the responsibility of the cortex in the brain not because the retina.

Working on behalf of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, Sheffield researchers using eye coherence tomography to scan the retina of the respondents who engaged research. Scientists dilate their pupils just before the scanning retina.The scientists also measured the visual field in both eyes to compare the images of the retina.

Published in the Journal PLoS ONE, the researchers noted a significant correlation between changes in the distribution of the retina in people deaf and produces a wider field of their vision.

"Our hope is when we understand the deaf retina and vision is better, we can enhance the visual treatment to them, "said Dr.. Charlotte Codina, one of the researchers.


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